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Amazon RDS - Relational database service

Databases Introduction

So we just with brief introduction on the different types of databases so we got Relational databases.

  1. Relational Databases (OLTP) :-

    Online Transaction Processing these are the databases that used to using day in day.

RDS :- Amazon have a service code RDS which stands for Relational Database Services. In this consist of 5 different relational databases including (MYSQL, SQL Server, POSTgresql, Oracle, and Aurora)

  1. Non-Relational Databases (NOSQL) :-

    These aggressively new to the industry having sort of come out around 2004 also and Amazon service for this is :

Dynamodb :- Most famous Non-relational database would be something like Mongodb are you could look at cloud end Couchdb. Dynamodb is slightly different to these databases do not compare with Mongodb.

  1. Data Warehousing Databases (OLAP) :-

    Online Analytical Processing and these over the use to be relational structure both from a logical perspective and it infrastructure perspective has not changed and these really there are types of databases these known as Data Warehousing Databases. Amazon offers for this product code:


Compare The Fundamentals

So Let’s start with the Relational Databases or Amazon RDS so it’s for what most of us are used to. Been around since the 1970’s.

  1. Database
  2. Tables :- Inside your database you got number of tables.
  3. Row :- Inside your tables you got Row otherwise knows as Record.
  4. Fields :- That Row or Record consists number of fields which known as colum

RDS includes technologies such as :-

  1. SQL Server
  2. Oracle
  3. MySQL Server
  4. Postgres
  5. Aurora

NoSql Database Structure :-

NoSql quite a little bit different to relational databases so there is different types of NoSql i am gonna talk about document oriented databases in this That’s by Dynamodb is you can also get tabular you get key value pairs you get different types of NoSql databases with the ones we are going to look at document oriented.

  1. Collection :- So Inside your database you have got a collection.
  2. Document :- Inside your collection and you got a number of documents.
  3. Key Value Pairs :- Those documents consist of key value pairs.

Data Warehousing :-

This is often used by number of different software products business intelligence. Tools like Cognos, Jasper soft, SQL Server Reporting Services, Oracle Hyperion, SAP Net Weaver.