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What is DevOps?

DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support.

DevOps is the blending of tasks performed by a company's application development and systems operations teams.

DevOpsis a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and Information Technology(IT) professionals. DevOps is a response to the interdependence of software development and IT operations. It aims to help an organization rapidly produce software products and services.

The term DevOps is being used in several ways. In its most broad meaning, DevOps is a philosophy or cultural approach that promotes better communication between the two teams as more elements of operations become programmable. In its most narrow interpretation,

Why Do I need it?

The specific goals of a DevOps approach include improved deployment frequency, which can lead to faster time to market, lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system. Simple processes become increasingly programmable and dynamic, using a DevOps approach,which aims to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security, and maintainability of operational processes. Very often, automation supports this objective.

DevOps integration targets product delivery, quality testing, feature development, and maintenance releases in order to improve reliability and security and provide faster development and deployment cycles. Many of the ideas (and people) involved in DevOps came from the Enterprise Systems Management and Agile software development movements.

DevOps aids in software application release management for an organization by standardizing development environments. Events can be more easily tracked as well as resolving documented process control and granular reporting issues. Companies with release/deployment automation problems usually have existing automation but want to more flexibly manage and drive this automation — without needing to enter everything manually at the command-line. Ideally, this automation can be invoked by non-operations employees in specific non-production environments. The DevOps approach grants developers more control of the environment, giving infrastructure more application-centric understanding.

Companies that incorporate DevOps practices get more done, plain and simple. They deploy code up to 30 times more frequently than their competition. And less than 50% of their deployments fail according to Puppet Labs 2013 State of DevOps survey.

The biggest shift in attitude in a DevOps environment is that there is one team composed of cross-functional team members including developers, QA, DBAs, business analysts, operations engineers and so forth. Collaboration across these different roles delivers many benefits.

    Technical Benefits

  • 1 Continuous software delivery
  • 2 Less complex problems to fix
  • 3 Faster resolution of problems

    Business Benefits

  • 1 Faster delivery of features
  • 2 More stable operating environments
  • 3 More time available to add value (rather than fix/maintain)

More Deploys Means Faster Time to Market and Continual Improvement

In an enterprise there is a need to break down silos, where business units operate as individual entities within the enterprise where management, processes and information are guarded. On the software development side -- and for those working in IT operations -- there needs to be better communication and collaboration to best serve the IT business needs of the organization.

One answer to breaking down enterprise silos is the move towards a DevOps-based culture that partners developers with operations staff to ensure the organization achieves optimal running of software with minimal problems. This culture is one that supports a willingness to work together and share.

The DevOps culture puts a focus on creating a fast and stable work flow through development and IT operations. One main goal of DevOps is to deploy features into production quickly and to detect and correct problems when they occur, without disrupting other services.

The benefits of a DevOps approach are many, including:

- Improved deploy frequency which can lead to faster time to market.
- Lower failure rate.
- Shortened lead time.
- Faster mean time to recovery

Who are we & What we do?

DevOps Automation

Automate your entire application environment by treating your infrastructure as code. Through configuration management tools such as Chef and Windows PowerShell® Desired State Configuration (DSC), we automate the deployment and scaling of your application environments.

Implement Log Management

(LM) comprises an approach to dealing with large volumes of computer-generated log messages (also known as audit records, audit trails, event-logs, etc.). LM covers: log collection. centralized aggregation. long-term retention.

Implement repository changes using Gitflow workflow

The Gitflow Workflow defines a strict branching model designed around the project release. While somewhat more complicated than the Feature Branch Workflow, this provides a robust framework for managing larger projects.

Implement deployment process

The term application deployment refers to the process of making an application or module available for processing client requests in a WebLogic Server domain.

Remote Monitoring

Monitoring is an enterprise-grade solution that helps keep your applications up and running fast—all of the time.

Server/Deployment Automation

We expected that automation would make deployments faster, and of course it did – computers are good at making things faster. Automation can lead to shorter iteration and feedback cycles, by reducing the risk and effort involved in deploying software to production.

Implement Log Management

(LM) comprises an approach to dealing with large volumes of computer-generated log messages (also known as audit records, audit trails, event-logs, etc.). LM covers: log collection. centralized aggregation. long-term retention.

Implement Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerting on the critical production infrastructure

The practices and disciplines of supporting the IT systems/applications which are currently being used by the end users. A production support person/team is responsible for receiving incidents and requests from end-users, analyzing these and either responding to the end user with a solution or escalating it to the other IT teams. These teams may include developers, system engineers and database administrators.